Our goat adventure started with a simple desire to have a milk goat. Bekah wanted to provide the family with fresh, raw milk (without the price tag of paying another farm for fresh, raw milk - expensive!). After realizing that a dairy cow was a little too big to handle (1000lbs too big, in fact), she got our first dairy goat. From there, it was the goat equivalent of chicken math. Two goats turned into four, and four into six, then six into a dozen. We were hooked! Their fun personalities, beautiful colors, and ease in handling made us fall in love with goats.

We now run a herd of ADGA nubians and MDGA mini nubians (plus a few unregistered dairy girls who are too well loved to ever leave!), and some mini nubian bucks.

Our mini nubian kids are born in spring each year. Both registered and unregistered options are typically available. Because of the nature of dairy goats, we practice disbudding any goat kids that are born with horns (though our herd includes a few with polled genetics). This is for both their safety and ours. Our dairy goats come in a wide variety of colors and spots, so we never know what we are going to get! But most important to us is the solid conformation and quality udders behind our genetics. Our focus is on breeding kids that will have excellent udder capacity and attachments, plus the sweet disposition you want in a daily milker. We sell very few bucks (as only the best are kept intact), but work hard to keep them friendly and teach them good manners around people before they go off to their new homes.

Why goats?

If you are interested in purchasing or learning more about available goat kids or adults, check out our sale page below.

Click here to see Available Goats for Sale


  • Bella

    MDGA Registered F5 Mini Nubian - Heavenly Vista Bella Blue

    6F - Produces 1.5 gallon/day at peak

  • Bezoar
    Blue eyes

  • London

    ADGA Registered Nubian - Winestones TW London

    4F - Produces 1.25 gallons/day at peak

  • Bezoar with moonspots
    Brown eyes

  • Ruby

    MDGA Registered F7 Mini Nubian - Wilson’s Ranch Ruby

    FF - Produces 1/2 gallon/day at peak

  • Bezoar with roaning
    Brown eyes

  • Zelda

    MDGA Registered F7 Mini Nubian - Wilson’s Ranch Zelda

    FF - Produces 3/4 gallon/day at peak

  • Bezoar with roaning
    Brown eyes

  • Sequoia

    ADGA Registered Nubian - Circle B Nubians Sequoia

    FF - Produces 1/2 gallon/day at peak

  • Bezoar
    Brown eyes

  • River

    MDGA Registered F1 Mini Nubian - 4521 Ranch River Song

    FF - Produces 1/2 gallon/day at peak

  • Bezoar with white
    Brown eyes

  • Vin

    Unregistered Mini Nubian

    2F - Produces 3/4 gallon/day at peak

  • Buckskin
    Blue eyes

  • Nia

    Unregistered Mini Nubian

    FF - Produces 3/4 gallon/day at peak

  • Sundgau with roaning
    Brown eyes


  • Bandit

    MDGA Registered F7 Mini Nubian - Back Ten Blue Moon Bandit

    Black with white and moonspots
    Blue eyes

  • Bandit's dam's udder

  • Kaladin

    MDGA Registered F7 Mini Nubian - Wilson’s Ranch Kaladin Stormblessed

    Bezoar with white and moonspots
    Blue eyes

  • Kaladin’s dam’s udder

  • Archie

    MDGA Registered F6 Mini Nubian - McKeever Farms Archer

    Blue eyes

  • Archie's dam's udder

We are proud members of the
Miniature Dairy Goat Association (MDGA).